Home > CMU Options > Specialty Units
Here are the 3 most popular Specialty Units that you should know about:
1. Integral Pre-Insulated Block (SpecThermal/Hi-RH): Basalite produces some specialty units in partnership with a national alliance of manufacturers, called the Concrete Products Group ("CPG"). The Spec-Thermal™ pre-insulated wall systems provide the benefits of integrally insulated single-wythe masonry including durable and aesthetically-pleasing masonry surfaces both inside and out while meeting stringent Energy Code requirements. These wall systems provide the enhanced moisture protection of a barrier wall in a variety of colors and finishes. All Spec-Thermal Insulated Masonry products meet code requirements; continuous insulation is not required due to the U-Factor compliance methods. Be sure to review the Structural Design Manual, which is now available on the Specifications page.

2. 8x4x16 CMU (SpecBrik): Spec-Brik® provides architects, developers and contractors with a cost-effective convenient masonry option. Typically 20-30% less expensive than comparable systems, this wall system delivers the beauty of brick at a fraction of the cost. There are currently 12 colors available nationally, and a number of successful projects have been completed with national brand clients across most major markets. Solid veneer units are also available upon request.

Hi-RH Engineering Manual
3. Shiplap CMU: An example of pure innovation by a design architect is the Shiplap CMU. The block was a collaboration between Basalite Concrete Products and a California design architect, who was seeking a cost-effective solution to a material challenge on a public project. The result is a truly remarkable block that has the look of traditional ShipLap siding, but with none of the downsides. The ShipLap CMU is plumb, true, durable, resistant to rot, rodents and termites, and comes with a 4-hour fire rating, without adding anything else to the block. Walls are constructed just like standard CMU, and can be either Running Bond or Stacked Bond in layout. Check with your local product expert to determine a range of mix designs available in your project area.
Hopefully you are inspired to consider designing your own new CMU shape, and we are here to help, when you're ready!

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